Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hair Salons and Papyrus

Ok, before we begin, you're probably immediately baffled by this combination. You're thinking: "Papyrus? Say what? That light paper shit that comes from plants? How does that relate to hair salons?" Well, it doesn't, nimrod. If you're familiar with the design world, or rather, the shitty design world, you know the font Papyrus. You know, ugly, tacky, egyptian-esque, Michael G-ish, super ugly Papyrus. The kind of font that belongs to that league of grade school embellishing tools along with Comic Sans, Kurlz MT, Stencil, the dreadful Jokerman, and any other terminally lame typeface that, you know, resides on any PTO Conference Newsletter, High School Cheerleading Car Wash Advertisement, or Bake Sale Rundown. These are the types of fonts that freaks like Raptor use, while the big boys like us who write here at Perfect Combinations for Better Reputations stick to nice, appealing sans serifs and stuff.

Anyways, the gaudy quality of Papyrus just doesn't matter when it comes to a hair salon. Across the country, even the world for that matter (because you know, we do tons of rigorous research), you'd be surprised to find how many hair salons do indeed use Papyrus for their banners and whole visual scheme. Walk down the street and I guarantee within ten minutes you will discover this too. I'm not talking about Supercuts or any other dumb chain haircutters, I'm talking about the more personal joints. And they do it for a reason: behind the ugliness of Papyrus, there is a sleek, suave, almost rejuvenating quality. People go to hair salons to begin anew, by getting their hair cut, their mustachio trimmed, their hair colorized, (their pubes trimmed?), and maybe even in some instances, their religion converted. What is Papyrus if not a blatant attempt at a soothing, spiritual typeface, and given its Egyptian influence, a tribute to ethnicity and history and all that dumb bullshit. People want to feel soothed when they get their herr did, so how better to entice them than with a banner boasting Papyrus!?

At this point, you're probably a bit skeptical. All of the pretentious douschebags are thinking to themselves: "Well, once I look at that sign and I know its papyrus, I'm not going in there because they're tacky." Get over it, you schmuck! The bottom line is they don't care very much about design. As long as the place looks clean and healthy, to me, with their obvious lack of visual marketing skills, they have at least chosen a font that will get their point across. Their essence. (Isn't essence a great word to use when talking about hair salons? No? Fuck you Raptor.) Another important thing is, when you're driving down the street with your gross, scraggly hair that hasn't been cut in two years, and your wife is with you with her absurdly heinous afro, and you're having a discussion like this - You: "Baby, I'm sorry to admit this, but I'm a hermaphrodite", Her: "God dammit Jose, all i need for you to do is trim the lawn! You never do it!", You: "But what about the radioactive sandwich?" - you're gonna see that hair salon from a distance and immediately be attracted to Papyrus. You won't recognize how shitty the font is, you'll just see the essence of it. Then, in one hip-hip-hooray, you'll yell: "By golly baby, we better go get our herrs did!". I dare you to go in and not say the service is fantastic, because they know how to entice you with their Egyptian-like aura.


  1. The Michaul G-ish comment was too funny. The post was downhill from there. You have dissapointented me.

  2. Also, the hair salon I go to does in fact use this papyrus font on their sign.

  3. Well sorry to hear that Derek, my dearest reader, but the reason you didn't like it was because you are indeed an asshole. Just pretend you like it and the post will be a lot better.

  4. You have insulted my people, the pharaohs, with your loose use of our precious papyrus. Apologize, or we shall summon our dead mummy army and rid the western world of you.

  5. The only person I apologize to is Raptor's mom because usually when I try to throw my milk bottles at Raptor I miss and hit her instead. This has happened 8 times and the last has put her in a coma.

  6. Derek, I would hate to lose you as our most consistent, appreciative reader. But I don't come all the way from Timbucktoo to write for this blog with Fuzzy Randy here just to hear a mean-spirited comment about my post. I think this is my masterpiece, even though it's my first one.

  7. Address me as the Great Pharaoh and I shall stay, forever. As I have been reincarnated several times in the last 3,000 years I will live forever. I will pick and choose your blog posts and transform them into my new book, something of a manuscript for my Pharaoh Religion, called, Pharaoh Me.

    I have spoken.
